DOT Physicals in State College, Pennsylvania
There seems to be some confusion regarding which health care providers can perform DOT physicals and which cannot. Chiropractors, when properly certified through state and federal organizations, can perform DOT physicals in Pennsylvania.
The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) has included chiropractors on the list of providers that can perform DOT physicals if properly certified. However, because the FMCSA is a federal organization, some state regulations may supersede the federal guideline and block chiropractors from performing DOT physicals in their state. Some states allow chiropractors to perform the entire test including the urinalysis, some allow chiropractors to perform the physical exam without the urinalysis, and some do not allow chiropractors to perform any part of the exam.
In order to perform the DOT physical examination with the urinalysis, a provider must be certified through a federal laboratory organization as well the state health department. In Pennsylvania there are strict regulations regarding laboratory certification, but there is no specific language that disallows chiropractors from becoming certified. Because the regulations are based on the individual’s prior experience, some chiropractors are accepted for certification and some are denied.
At Brummert Family Chiropractic, we are fully certified through all federal and state organizations to perform DOT physicals in State College, PA. We are available for appointments within 48 hours of your initial request, and we are able to schedule appointments before and after normal working hours to accommodate drivers with busy schedules. We are not currently able to accept walk-ins at our office, but we do our best to get drivers in as soon as possible.
The cost per exam is $75. You can schedule an appointment today by calling 814-777-1558 or by clicking here to book an appointment online.